Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shame on me... a month of silence

Turns out this last month has been rather... intense. Once we recovered from our trip to California, we ended up dealing with a few huge projects - car shopping, fixing the electrical in the house (which lead to getting the tree cut), financials for the next 6 months...

And a growing baby. Man, she is growing FAST. At her 4 month check up (age closer to 4.5 months), she weighed 16 pounds!!!! It's not that she's fat - all her measurements are in the 90th+ percentile - she's just a big girl. So big that I think I need to exchange some of the clothes I bought her for fall because I don't think they will fit her long enough to be useful.

But my baby... don't get me wrong, it's amazing to watch her grow and develop. She now has a high chair and has started taking breast milk from a spoon. (Rice cereal will start after Labor Day.) She can roll over and scoot herself in a circle on her tummy. She laughs and almost babbles and is just the darlingest lil charmer there ever was.

Part of me already misses my quieter baby, the one was didn't need anything more than food, sleep, a clean diaper, and mommy or papa. Now we have entertainment and frustration and curiosity and all sorts of needs and emotions. It feels like it's happening so far sometimes. There are days when I would give anything for her to just want to nap in my arms. Of course, I'm also proud that my "big girl" prefers to sleep in her crib and wants to see everything.

Babble babble babble... I guess this is part of being a mom.