Thursday, June 23, 2011

To blog or not to blog?

I was telling my husband last night that I had no idea how any mother, much less a new mother, had time to blog. At the same time, I was lamenting that it felt like I had become a mom and nothing else; something that can't be good for me. So I'll see if I can blog to save my sanity - no clue how this will turn out, but it should be interesting.

Possible things you will read about:
  • being a new mom
  • raising a bilingual baby
  • learning French
  • books I'm attempting to read
  • TV I'm attempting to watch
  • my rather unique views on Canadian politics... maybe US ones, too, if I can be bothered to find out what's going on in my home country
And of course, it might end up being nothing like this at all. But hey, it'll be something.

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