Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Catching My Breath

July 2011 seems to be the vacation that wasn't. For the first time, a trip back to California was not restful. We knew it would be DD's "Coming Out Tour," but even with setting limits and making sure not to overschedule ourselves, we came back tired and feeling like we didn't get to do much that we wanted to do. I wanted Cold Stone ice cream and a chance to do some fun, relaxed shopping and time just shooting the breeze with my brother. Instead it was picnic after picnic after meal date, all the time having all sorts of family and friends (wonderful and well-meaning) swoop down on my daughter.

Okay, gotta get some cheese to go with that whine. Where were we?

DD's cold is well on its way to being history. Good thing too; it's been horribly hot and humid. Me no like. Everyone assumes that being from California that I suffer through the ice and snow and subzero-ness of winters in Ottawa. Nope, I can manage all that; this oppressive humidity is another thing altogether. And as hard as it is on us adults, poor baby has it worse cuz she has no idea what's going on. We've been sleeping in the basement, but the price for a cool room is that poor DD is back to sleeping in a pack-n-play. The weather eased up a bit and we managed to cool down the house enough for her to sleep in her crib tonight. Not that it's "cool" up there, but it's a manageable temperature.

Speaking of manageable, I had better go pump or I'll wake up with sore melons attached to my chest.

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