Saturday, July 9, 2011

Forget Tired... I'm Sick

Okay, this officially sucks. I was up half the night with a runny nose and sore throat which, as I knew it would, has turned into a full on miserable head cold. What's worse is that I can't snuggle or kiss my baby... assuming she hasn't already gotten it from me from yesterday. :(

So, things I learned from this trip about travelling with a baby:

If the flight is more than 2 hours or so long, invest in a seat for the baby. Since we didn't know what we were getting into, we bought her a seat for the entire trip. I nursed her during takeoff and landing (except the two landings she slept through) and we ended up holding her a chunk of the time on the long leg... but I tell ya, being able to not only have the entire row but to also have the option of putting her in her seat was priceless.

Treat the airport like a military operation. It sounds like overkill, but we had a very smooth time going through security each way because we knew who had which bags and who was responsible for what.

If you're going somewhere for more than a few days, find out ahead of time if there's a children's consignment store nearby and get some of your bulkier needs there. For example: I didn't pack a nursing pillow because it was just too bulky, but I was missing it after the first day. Trip to consignment store and $10 later - pillow is ours! (We also got a play gym for $13.)

More to come, but Papa just told me he thinks baby is coming down with a cold. uh-oh....

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